K. Yang Puts You And Me To Shame
Brave TERF standing against violent queer mob shows what it takes to win
Readers, I have a post scheduled to go up later today that has nothing to do with the culture war. Having awakened on Monday morning, and seen the mob attack on a brave woman protesting female erasure at NYC Pride, I am so angry I have to get this off my chest. My upcoming blog at The European Conservative hasn’t yet launched, so you poor people have to hear my jeremiad. Click away if you’d rather not, but rest assured that something else, about art and enchantment, is coming later. I’m sending this one to the entire list .— RD
Here’s video of what happened yesterday at a Pride event in New York City, to a woman named K. Yang who had the courage, or the insanity, to stand in the middle of a Pride mob and hold up a sign saying that trans rights erase women. She was physically attacked by the mob. “Stop touching me,” she keeps saying. You can hear a woman’s voice say at one point, “Tear her dress off.” Screenshot below, a second after the man in the orange hair ripped her sign and threw it to the ground:
This could be you. This could be you if you dared to dissent from the idea that women are nothing more than “no-men”. Here is the sign K. Yang held up:
This brave woman tried to exercise her right as an American citizen to peaceably protest, and was mobbed for it. You can see on the faces of that mob — and certainly not everyone there was LGBT — how much joy they take in seeing the scapegoat attacked. Nobody defended Yang. The mob howled its delight with her assault. You’ve heard of Red Guards? Meet the Pink Guards.
This is Pride 2023. This is also Pride 2023: New York City marchers chanting, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”:
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
This is also Pride 2023, in a park in New York City. Topless women making out and cavorting in the fountain in front of kids.
Meanwhile, on the opposite coast, Seattle Pride featured a group of naked adults cycling in public, in front of kids, of course:
You get the point. Where are the calls from within the LGBT community to rein in the madness? Aside from the hated TERFs (I suppose K. Yang is one; many, perhaps most, of them are lesbians), it doesn’t exist. And LGBT activists have done such a great job of building an ally culture that now, this oh-so-persecuted minority has on its side the entire US Government (including the military and CIA), as well as the entire corporate class, the media, academia, law, medicine, and science. Hey, even the Military-Industrial Complex has been queered:
K. Yang was not only standing up to the Pride mob; she was standing up to the entire power structure of the USA, and indeed of the West.
She is also standing up to the widespread indifference of most people in our society to its destruction. In the UK, Mary Harrington wrote over the weekend that we are living through an “all-out war on parental authority” in the name of queer theory. Excerpts:
We are witnessing nothing less than an all-out war on ‘normal’. And it’s justified by a sinister body of thought known as ‘queer theory’.
Let’s be clear: most of us support gay and lesbian people living normal lives, free of unjust discrimination. But queer theory isn’t about including gay and lesbian people in normal society.
It sees normal society as the source of oppression. And that means dismantling normal society.
The doctrine has been smuggled into schools and institutions, on the coat-tails of gay inclusion.
It wants to smash every kind of rule, boundary, institution, and norm – all the way to the foundations of biology itself.
And it has set its sights on Britain’s children.
None of these ideologues seem to acknowledge where this thinking leads. If you treat every norm or rule as oppressive, that means smashing even the norms and rules that protect vulnerable groups. Such as children.
This includes the sense that children aren’t mature enough to make irreversible decisions about their own ‘identity’.
Not to mention the equally obvious truth that, with rare, unfortunate exceptions, parents are best-placed to safeguard their children’s interests.
The fact is that this protective instinct is a product of human evolution, helping our slow-developing offspring survive into adulthood.
Sadly, there are already too many wanting to weaken that bond.
As seen in places such as Rotherham, where grooming gangs have targeted girls in care, the most vulnerable children are those without attentive, loving adults watching out for them.
Again and again, we discover that liberating children also creates opportunities for adults.
The earliest queer theorists were at least honest. Michel Foucault, often called the godfather of queer theory, argued for the abolition of age of consent laws.
(After his death, it was revealed that Foucault sexually exploited under-age boys in Tunisia.)
Other leading queer theorists sought to defend ‘boy-lovers’, or condone forms of incest.
Of course, not everyone who wants to ‘liberate’ children has nefarious intentions.
But the push to free young children from their parents’ protective authority ends up aiding and abetting those who do.
Do I think most gay people agree with this? No, I do not. But the dissenters aren’t the ones in charge of the movement; the radicals are. And sensible straight people on the Left, and the center-Right, who could say no to their increasingly radical demands, won’t.
Not even Bud Light, which has lost billions over its foolish partnership with that tranny flibbertigibbet Dylan Mulvaney, has the sense to withdraw sponsorship from this insane movement. From a recent Pride concert:
What is it going to take to make normal people take this seriously? In France last week, I told a group of people that in the US, there are many cases of schools having written policies forbidding teachers and staff from telling parents if their child presents as trans or genderqueer at school. They were shocked — this, in France, which is famously more permissive about sexuality than the US. The entire system is lined up against parents. As my readers know, there are at least six blue states that have either passed laws, or are in the middle of passing laws, that grant the government power to seize minor children from parents who refuse to grant the child’s wish to transition.
I wonder if all the emigres from Communist countries who talked to me years back for Live Not By Lies foresaw that it would come to something as radical as this — and that the American people would raise their heads, blink their eyes, and return to placidly chewing their collective cud. Here is the conclusion to the 1974 letter that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn sent to his followers in the Soviet Union, on the eve of being sent to exile by the authorities. The title of the letter is “Live Not By Lies”:
And so: We need not be the first to set out on this path, Ours is but to join! The more of us set out together, the thicker our ranks, the easier and shorter will this path be for us all! If we become thousands—they will not cope, they will be unable to touch us. If we will grow to tens of thousands— we will not recognize our country!
But if we shrink away, then let us cease complaining that someone does not let us draw breath— we do it to ourselves! Let us then cower and hunker down, while our comrades the biologists bring closer the day when our thoughts can be read and our genes altered.
And if from this also we shrink away, then we are worthless, hopeless, and it is of us that Pushkin askes with scorn:
Why should cattle have the gifts of freedom?
Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash.
Why should we Americans, and other peoples of the West, have the gifts of freedom if we sit back and let these Pink Guard fanatics and their institutional allies destroy our children, destroy parenthood, and wreck our entire civilization? I had a long conversation with a noted French scientists last week, a man of the political Left who said that we truly are in an age of Lysenkoism, in which queer theory and its offshoots have compromised science itself. As I mentioned here the other day, I met and talked with a former French academic whose classes on evolutionary biology at Sciences Po, one of France’s leading institutions of higher education, were cancelled last year because Darwinian theory clashes with queer and gender theory. There are no Christian fundamentalists in France — but there are plenty of queer/gender fundamentalists, and they have conquered major institutions there, as in our country.
If the United States were a healthy society, a queer-rights mob marching down the street openly chanting We’re coming for your children would light up the nation coast to coast, and fire up mothers and fathers to fight. Will it this time? I doubt it, though I would like to be proved wrong. Why are we so demoralized? Take a look at this collection of only one week’s worth of Wes Yang’s sipping from the firehose, and you’ll get an idea. We have been propagandized and bullied for so long that we no longer know what it means to resist in the name of normalcy, and for the sake of protecting our kids.
Even the Pope is captured. Francis will condemn gender theory every so often, but he unfailingly endorses, sometimes in his own handwriting, seminars under Church auspices that outright deny Catholic teaching on sex, sexuality, and family — and he promotes bishops who do too (e.g., cardinals Tobin, McElroy, Cupich). (“He’s practically a cheerleader for an upcoming Pride conference in New York!” gushes MSNBC, about Francis’s letter of support for the conference). The Pope’s condemning gender theory, I believe, is a feint to take attention away from how queer-positive clerics and allies are openly (now) marching through the Catholic institutions. Among Evangelicals, the Winsomistas pave the way for the conquest of their children by bringing tulips to a knife fight.
As you know, I live in a country, Hungary, where this stuff doesn’t exist — for now. Yesterday I was out walking around Budapest, and saw over the length of the day three lesbian couples walking hand in hand. Nobody bothers them. This is as it should be. If any of these couples should want to marry, they can’t, under Hungarian law, but they are permitted to have civil partnerships. But according to the US Ambassador, who doesn’t miss an opportunity to hector the Hungarians on LGBT rights, Hungary is a bigoted backwater.
Despite the US Government’s campaign to spread our cultural decadence globally, Hungary is an oasis of sanity in an increasingly decadent West. Hungary’s refusal to surrender to Western elites’ demands that it queer itself is a big reason why Washington and Brussels hate this country — and why Poland, which is also unwilling to queer itself, is in their sights too, despite the Poles having gone farther than anybody else to support, materially and otherwise, NATO’s war plans regarding Ukraine.
It doesn’t matter what you are, or what you want for yourself and your own people: if you are a country that refuses queer theory and its manifestations, Western elites will target you. In France last week, almost everyone I met had initially a negative opinion of Hungary, but when I asked what they knew about the country and its politics, none could answer. This is not surprising: if the only thing you know about a country and its government is what the media tell you, you are going to be badly misinformed about countries like Hungary and Poland, which refuse to submit to bullying.
But the Hungarians and the Poles had better be careful. I have been highly pessimistic about the culture war for a long time, but even I thought that the Left would never openly go after kids, because surely that would trigger a vicious backlash. Well, I was wrong. For whatever reasons — I would include the self-castration of Christian churches — most Americans have been neutralized.
Ask yourself: Where will it stop? How far will be too far? There is no good answer, because nobody can know now. I cannot get over the fact that there are more than a few states in the USA where the government has granted itself the right to seize children and subject them to sexual mutilation, via chemicals and surgery — and hey, it’s fine.
Maybe the Benedict Option was too timid. Maybe we are moving quickly toward the Lot Option. Before we go that far, let’s at least not go down without a knock-down, drag-out fight, okay? It has to begin with courage — the kind of courage that K. Yang showed by wading into that mob and peaceably testifying to truth. Billboard Chris Elston does this constantly — and Trantifa has physically attacked him for it, even badly broken his arm. If they can take those risks, what’s wrong with the rest of us? I don’t even know if Yang and Elston are religious; if either is, that’s certainly not part of their activism. They do what they do because they have convictions, and because they are brave. As ever, I am reminded of what Kamila Bendova said in Live Not By Lies, about why she and her late husband were happy to align themselves with Vaclav Havel and the other hippies in the movement for liberty: because even though the hippies did not share their religious and moral beliefs, they had something that most Czech Christians of the Communist era did not: COURAGE!
Courage: show it, and demand it of others, especially religious and political leaders. Do it for your daughters, do it for your sons. Do it for your sisters and mothers. Not only are our children at stake, but our entire civilization. This is no exaggeration. To sit with one of the top scientists in France, and hear chapter and verse about what he’s seeing, and then to learn from him and some colleagues that in the entire country, there are perhaps twenty, maximum, scientists and academics that will speak out against it — that is extremely alarming. The situation is as bad or worse in the UK and US. The trans/queer movement is so decisive because it represents the culmination of the entire modernist project: to refute and overturn all unchosen laws and standards — even, through technology, the laws of Nature — and to become gods.
If this all sounds too alarmist to you, then let me ask you to ask yourself: what’s your bright red line? How far will be too far?
When will you lose your fear of telling the truth? When will you lose your shame at speaking out against lies and exploitation?
These people, the enemies of civilization, are not afraid of us, and not ashamed to chant, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.” Our fear and our shame emboldens them. With honorable exceptions, most of us put the “cow” in cowardice.
This is not going to stop. This is going to have to be stopped. Maybe we’ll do it, but if we don’t, then we will deserve what we get. A society that will not protect itself and its children from this madness does not deserve to survive.
The reason for the lack of courage from parents is to a large degree related to money. If every corporation is on board with this and if "the internet is forever" then putting your neck out too far can lead to total financial ruin. The people who must be stepping up are the boomers. With enough of them leading them dissenters among Gen X and millennials who are working can be safer. That's the reality here. Billboard Chris gave up his career. His job is now anti trans activism and occasionally shaking the can on Twitter (I have chipped in). We seriously need pissed off grandparents out in full force. One problem is that Fox News, their main source of news, sanitizes this stuff as their leaders are all in favor of it.
I was at a Catholic silent retreat this past weekend. During the Q and A, the priest said at this point, the only answer is prayer and sacrifice. Referencing the sacrilegious Sister of Perpetual Indulgence at Dodgers' Stadium, he said the Dodgers received a lot of push-back from many Catholic apostolates and parishioners. The Dodgers were made aware of the SPIs depravity but the Dodgers honored them anyway. We can't fight that with activism, this is a spiritual war.