Ordered this morning. Very much looking forward to reading it! Thank you for including all the links.

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Preordered months ago. Can't wait!

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What Tee Stoney said…ditto! And yes, might just be your most important book yet!

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My, Rod will keep giving us the appetizers! I'm getting quite hungry, you know. :)

I especially like Crawford's comments. And I'd guess Crawford's chosen quote, " “The world is not what we think it is. It is far more mysterious, exciting and adventurous.” will be one of the things that lives after Rod, for a long time, and by which his work is known.

Of course, (goody!) Rod listened to no one who said "People have already made up their minds about this ." Rod's audience obviously includes people like me. A few months back, having left what was a deep faith, this logical math professional (me) thought "perhaps" I still sensed something of God acting in the world - the Sacraments. Thought yes, there are trans-dimensional beings up in the far reaches of Iceland (heh..but I believe). However, with all the sorrow others experience, wondered how much people could believe God has anything to do with us. Garden variety near-Deist. That is not where I am now.

So Rod's gift - one of Rod's gifts - is to take a logical mind and give it "enough" without giving it the wrong place on the throne of belief. Rod is not saying "believe for no reason". He gives some inexplicable instances of awe. And then he gives a mental framework - not just "believe for no reason" - to trust belief coming from Spirit. Trust even if not all makes logical sense. - Rod's book will mean even more to me once I have read it but this is what I already know I can look forward to

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Rod, did you happen to come across the work of William Desmond while writing the book? I was reminded of this review earlier today and can't remember whether you discussed him or not, or even whether I may have passed this on to you when it appeared.


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Gosh, no, never heard of him. Thanks for this!

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Looking forward to it!! Your other two recent ones were excellent!

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Rod, I'm absolutely thrilled to hear you will be in Birmingham! I'm a Bama boy so I hope to be there. Preordered the ebook version months ago.

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You can't go wrong with praise from Paul Kingsnorth and Matthew Crawford.

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More is not always better. Hope the publisher will edit these down to captivating sound bites like “…captures the tectonic shift happening deep under politics, culture and in many ways under religion… with Dreher’s help, we can learn to discern the spirits.” That said, cannot wait for the book. Ordering it now.

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Rereading, that sounds a bit snide. Not meant that way.

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"You ordered ANOTHER book because that Dreher guy mentioned it?! What?! Oh, he wrote it?! Big deal, I don't care - you have too many books on the nightstand as it is! Tell him to stop!"

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Author

Heh. I really want my book to be a gateway to McGilchrist, Kingsnorth, Shaw, Crawford, and others who are much smarter than I am.

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We're cheering for this one!

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^^^Paul is the editor of the book.

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Many many looking forward to it. Rod has long managed to identify waves that will soon break, dilemmas emerging that few yet notice. I predict this book too will snap plenty of people awake.

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Rod, my son lives in a suburb north of Birmingham. Where will you be for your Oct. 22 appearance? Thanks, Connie Anderson, Baton Rouge, LA

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When things firm up, please let us know. Thanks!

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Ordered mine from eighth day. Ordered that book of poetry, too.

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I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have been living in wonder my entire 70+ year life. We have a scriptural testimony of Jesus Christ’s resurrection written on golden plates and delivered to Joseph Smith by an angelic messenger who translated them by the power of God. They make assertions that are testable. No God did not deliver certainty that would override my faith but he did provide witnesses whose cumulative testimony adds to my faith.

But these marvelous works and wonders are not ends in themselves. They serve to establish that a line of authority from Christ to Joseph Smith is the foundation of a restoration of priesthood authority that continues in the church today. These are God’s servants we are asked to receive. “He that receiveth my servants receiveth me”. One of their key functions is to remind me that obedience is not always convenient and not always on my terms.

True religion is founded on the miraculous. God is not stingy. He loves Catholics and Protestants and he provides miracles to sustain their faith, sometimes even when there is little basis for faith in the calling and authority of hierarchs. But ultimately the power of a miracle is to establish the authority of its witnesses.

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SO EXCITED FOR THIS, Rod. Cannot wait.

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