Rod, you must sue The Guardian for libel. You have no choice.

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If you were going to do this in Belgium- needed to be somewhere , where the Flemish nationalists are in power. Not Brussels! I love Brussels- great food, beer , chocolate but politically, problematic.

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"well, what does that tell you about the reality of democracy in Europe?"

What democracy?

At this point, even if you find a spot to hold the conference, sounds like Antifa is ready to unleash violence on those attending/speaking - and the cops don't seem inclined to intervene.

I mean, this is Europe now - the EU anyway. This is what they value, bashing free speech (literally). But I also have to say, if the right is so powerless that they can't even hold a conference - I mean, that seems pretty meek. Not going to rally people to the cause of national conservatism, though it probably will rally them to something far more extreme.

Just another signpost on the road to a very violent future.

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Rod, this is totally off topic, and of course I cannot say with any certainty that it is related, but I prayed to St Therese for her intercession for your friend Alexander this weekend, and I was just offered an unexpected flower arrangement with 3 yellow roses. I think Alexander will be/has been given his chance for salvation even through the coma. I will keep praying for him, of course.

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It doesn't matter what you said, it doesn't matter what ideas you presented, and it's no use appealing to any type of liberal values or sense of fair play. Those days are over.

The Christian God (who is of course also the author of Western liberal democracy) is in his death throes (at least in his traditional homelands) and is being vilified, beaten and replaced by his demented half-Marxist grandchild, Social Justice.

Antifa, as the shock troops of the Revolution, are obviously your enemy, they would murder anyone opposed to their faith if they could, and maybe soon will do so (but you already knew this)—what's painful and hard to admit here (especially for just about everyone born and raised in the back half of the 20th century) is that the LIBERAL CLASS WILL NOT SAVE US.

The liberal class, meaning more or less people in high managerial positions that are designed to transmit our culture, values, traditions, basic civics—politicians, journalists, professors, artists, intellectuals etc—are cowardly careerist conformists with no beliefs or values bigger than their paychecks and career paths, and are spineless sell-outs straight outta Houellebecq. And on top of that, as they display every day, they HATE THEIR OWN COUNTRIES AND PEOPLE AND CULTURE.

If tomorrow morning the entire West were conquered by anyone from Chi Com to Putin to ISIS, all of these well-off well-compensated leaders would switch sides in a heartbeat. (It's always those who've received the most who are the least grateful!)

I don't know what the future holds, but one thing I do know is that our liberal class is dead and/or hopelessly corrupted and that all they know and hold sacred is whatever allows them to maintain their exalted status. They will let any real democracy be destroyed in order to maintain their Potemkin Our Democracy™.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

no mention in the American media. The left have effectively outlawed conservativism. Biden said Trump talking was a threat to democracy. They have always seen the state as a tool to push their ideology. What naive fools we were to think "liberals" would stand against this when it was their side who was doing it to win. They will go along and hope for the best but something tells me this end with the liberals being banned and jailed right next to the conservatives. We were warned for years by people who, like myself, were very leftwing at one time and saw the beast up close when it was still fairly harmless. But no big surprise and shame is not going to work, they are shameless. Only political will at the polls that will elect a gov that can then force the left to off the street and would say no to pressure tactics. Something tells me that Europe is at about the 2020 level of white guilt progressive authoritarianism.

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Pearl clutching about this happening in the den of the EU is like a Sooner being shocked he can’t find a crimson T-shirt to buy in Stillwater. Ol’ Pistol Pete is a pretty rough fella. Might oughtta look elsewhere.

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"Concert Noble’s owners, Edificio, said its position was one of 'respecting the key European values of democracy which have enabled Belgium and the European Union, of which Brussels is the capital, to enjoy a long period of peace and prosperity since the Second World War'."

Orwell, call your office!

The "peace and prosperity" is coming to an end in Brussels, and these "defenders of democracy" want to ban those raising the alarm.

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Sue the Guardian. They need a reality check.

You’re like the weatherman being blamed for the storm here.

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At whatever major cosmopolitan centre you seek to meet in western Europe you’re going to run into these latter day brownshirts (this time on the left) with whom the political establishment is in sympathy or before whom they’re completely cowed. This being the reality, it would seem to make sense to look for smaller centres with limited ingress and egress, i.e. where the thugs can’t easily get at you and the local authorities can more easily control those who do.

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Just awful. The Right really needs its own event space. Some organizations have started to understand this. Corporate hotels will always, always bow to political pressure.

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I remember hearing radio dispensationalists in the 70's calling the Common Market (which became the EU) the Beast of the Apocalypse, and they were right!

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There is no future in Western Europe. None. It is foolish to pretend that there is. If you're any kind of traditionalist of Caucasian descent, your best hope at this point is that Putin really does decide to roll across the continent.

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Hold the next one in Hungary. (But they would have to watch the border crossings carefully for a while.)

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Remember all the proggie commenters on your AmCon blog who after the Summer of Floyd were saying that Antifa was basically a small, uninfluential group of left-wing cosplayers who really had no power to affect anything and that the Right was overreacting to them?

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Better go to Antwerp, which has a right-wing mayor.

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