Apr 16ยทedited Apr 16

Nobody knows what really happened, but there is a theory that the KGB in 1981 used the Grey Wolves as a cutout to assassinate John Paul II. Agca, the shooter, certainly had links to the Grey Wolves.


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Rod, your reporting on what's going on there is much appreciated. Stay safe, but also stay strong!!

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How does the concern about Euroskepticism compare to "state's rights" in the US, particularly earlier in the Republic?

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Welcome in real Europe. It is not bad only in society, but also in churches. No support for people, who would like to live not vy lies.

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"This is what the European Left will do to all of us." And the U. S. Democrat Left if they get enough power.

I thought we defeated Nazism and Communism in Europe. Maybe not as completely as we thought.

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This is a prime opportunity for European conservatives to avoid playing the victim. Instead: lawfare. Alinksyite tactics, like forcing these governments to live up to their own much-touted beliefs. Researching the hell out of Antifa supporters, as Rufo did with the Harvard plagiarist, and exposing them, until their peers have no choice but to deal with them.

Conservatives often respond ineffectively: they either play the victim, or fantasize about violence. They also flap their gums a lot in forums that are increasingly designed not to persuade others to join them. I haven't seen the program, but my hope is that this conference isn't just lamentation and useless mutual reassurance, but practical strategizing about how to persuade neighbors, engage in relentless lawfare, ruin enemies, and win politically. At this point the rest is just gum-flapping.

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The creeping new USSR, except now it's a blend of leftist insanity in league with Islamic opportunism. I don't think this will end well for Europe.

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In a similar vein, why are police allowing anti-Israel protestors to block major roadways here in America? What they are doing is utterly illegal and police should be rounding them up and charging them with the appropriate misdemeanors. Instead, police are using their vehicles to block traffic in order to โ€œprotectโ€ the protestors. What is going on? Why is this happening? It all feels so sinister.

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The New Statesman article is correct - this is a gift to European conservatism. The European left should have wrapped it up and put a bow on it. And I hope that reports that the mayor of Brussels actually bowed to the demands of Antifa will finally shut everyone up who insists "There is no Antifa!"

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From a certain angle, Belgium has been the canary in the coal mine and the crossroads of European history. It is too early to say, if this is just distant lighting or an imminent gathering storm.

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I am truly sorry to see this happening in Europe, and to you in particular.

The big takeaway for me: this is *exactly* what the technocratic elitists mean when they use that gutted carcass of a phrase, "our democracy".

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"the alliance between the Islamists and the political left"

The Left has convinced itself that the Right is all illiberal, white Nazis, so they ally themselves with illiberal, Muslim Nazis and pat themselves on the back for their inclusiveness. It would be funny if it weren't so serious.

I never thought I would live to see Houllebecq's alliance in Submission come true in real life.

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Well after reading that complaint I am definitely more generally a "Euroskeptic," and more specifically a "Belgo-skeptic." Interesting that these places seem ok with letting Muslims remain "ethically conservative" and true to their "national or ethnic affinities," but native European Christians are dangerous if they are ethically conservative and ethnically conscious. Could part of this be that ethical conservatism preserves the birth rate and helps to make for healthier families and communities with shared ideals and commitments? If I was an Islamist looking to take over a continent I'd certainly want Christians (whether native or not) in my country to have abortions and raise dysfunctional kids, and I would do everything I could to support that.

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Ol' Vladimir Lenin would be proud. "The soundest strategy in war is to postpone operations until the moral disintegration of the enemy renders the delivery of the mortal blow both possible and easy," once said the Great Embalmed One.

They are provoking, provoking and provoking, hoping for retaliation. Rod hitch your britches up and wade into the fray like a man with conviction. It ain't going away.

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I'm disgusted but not surprised. If it's any comfort, Rod, I think being called names by The Guardian really ought to be considered a badge of honor. Anyone held in high regard by the NTACs who write for that latter day Stalinist fan fiction site ought to reconsider their life choices.

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Interesting article about Kir, of Turkish origins, and what Kir refers to as far-right Muslims


It appears there are differences between Erdogan and the Grey Wolves. Also, nothing came up fo rme when researching Kir ties to Erdogan. Source of what was heard? Research needed?

What Kir did today was horrible. I monitored much of the day and posted support on the last thread, which is now old.

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