Readers, I am set to go give a talk in Greenville, South Carolina, from March 21-23. It’s not so easy to fly across the Atlantic, so I’m wondering if I could get a couple more speaking invitations on either side of that SC date, to make it more worth the trip.
Let me know if this is something your group or church would like to do. You do have to pay me, and for my flight and accommodations, but we might be able to work something out. I’ll need to get this done soon, because I have to book the flight to SC. In fact, I’ll probably do that right now, but buy a fare that I can change easily if something comes up.
There’s a reasonable chance that I’ll be repatriating to the US sometime this year, at least for a while, because the LIVE NOT BY LIES movie will be out this spring, and I’ve learned today that there will be a promotional tour attached to it. Plus, I keep hearing that there is a lot of interest in having me go here and there to talk about LIVING IN WONDER, but it’s just too expensive and too time-consuming to fly me over from Europe. Now might be a time to relocate to the US for the next season or two. I’m thinking and praying about that.
Email me if you want to talk to me about coming to your church, college, or organization either immediately before or immediately after my Greenville talk.
By the way, we’re laying the groundwork to start filming a LIVING IN WONDER documentary soon. More news later when I can share it. If the aliens don’t get us first, I mean! Heh.
I'm not in any groups or anything, but I hope you come to Washington DC! I'm sure you'd get an audience!
Rod, we spoke briefly at last year's Touchstone conference. I write occasionally for Touchstone and have a theology and apologetics' ministry based in Southern California. I am currently writing a book for Wipf & Stock on the rise of Neopaganism. Would you be available for a podcast interview with us? I would like to discuss the idea of disenchantment and reenchantment with you.