My morning Rosary will be said for Alexander.

Some people at this site ten days ago or so wondered why the anti-immigration group VDare had to purchase their own event staging grounds in Berkeley Springs WV. VDare had gone through years of event cancellations due to political pressure on hotels hired to stage the events. The event that would have allowed Rod Dreher and many others a platform for their ideas has been cancelled in Brussels due to political pressure. The modern left is no longer liberal. They are not Voltairian. John Stuart Mill would not recognize the modern left. The modern left is authoritarian and does not wish views contrary to leftist dogma to be uttered in public.

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Prayers sent for Alexander. Please keep us posted

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It would be interesting—perhaps not really interesting, but at least illuminating—to ask the mayor of Brussels to describe the difference between Catholics and whatever the heck "Catholic fundamentalists" are.

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Praying for your friend this morning.

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"This same mayor, Philippe Close, gave an interview in which he was asked about the rise of Islamic radicalism in his city. Know what he said in response? “But do you think Catholic fundamentalism is on the wane? Not at all.”

This is how these people operate, isn't it? Elitist left wingers get into office and immediately begin to sh*t on a huge chunk of the population, calling them deplorables or worse and governing in a way that dispossesses those "deplorables," effectively granting more rights to preferred minorities and fewer to the rest of us.

And any opposition is "right wing radicalism."

Is this the future, rule by a smarmy, conniving elite that's convinced it's morally better than the rest of us? Or at what point does that "right wing radicalism" take it down?

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Canto III.

You know the gravestone tag in the English churchyard?

Judge thou not me, as I judge not thee:

Betwixt the stirrup and the ground

I mercy sought and mercy found.

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What a dear friend you are, Rod. ❤️

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I just said a prayer to God for your friend Alexander.

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If you hear anyone start into "Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's" it usually ends with them giving Ceasar things which are God's.

Separation of Church and state, is one of those principals whose adherants will start off rationalyl when they think they have the solution and end up with some variation of "well you're just a stupidhead!" as the argument falls apart.

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And not a single Greek bishop in America has the courage to state the truth of the Faith.

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You are a true friend of Alexander, Rod, and I will pray for his salvation. Prayer is enormously powerful, and coupled with God’s unfathomable mercy for us, many more miracles happen than we know. May God have mercy on Alexander.

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I will remember your friend in my "candle prayers" tomorrow before the liturgy.

Medicine has long known that the comatose retain some degree of consciousness, however impaired. They are not "brain dead".

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I will say my rosary for Alexander.

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Living in this world is suffering for folks who are awake to what Ash Wednesday means...loss. Eventually we all experience intense suffering when we feel the pain our Lord and Savior willingly experienced in the Passion of Christ. We have a choice to put ourselves in that Passion and offer it up for those, who like those Alexander's in our lives as well as the whole world are feeling the helplessness without a merciful Savior. Our choice is to become the prayer...Imagine Jesus saying "Alexander be well body, mind and soul"

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Yes will say prayers for your friend. Believe it not I have a letter of provenance (from mid 1960s) and handkerchief with padre pio’s blood. I am pretty sure it is authentic. I won’t say how I obtained it, but I will pray for friend. Padre pio is powerful intercessor.

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Prayers already sent, in Jesus's Holy Name.

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