Merry Christmas, Rod! May the peace of Christ continue to grow in you and light your way. Thank you for the faithfulness in which and from which your work is shared, and may you be blessed in the coming year.
It occurred to me a few days ago that neighborhood caroling was an avenue of re-enchantment for both singers and hearers. The gospel message is sung. The incarnation is proclaimed. It touches memories that have been lost.
"Yes, we are divided, sadly, in this world, but I rejoice that we share faith in Our Lord, and I greet you as brothers and sisters." Merry Christmas to all. Hallelujah! A King is born!
I just spent an hour on the phone with my friend. I believe he's going to be okay. He has a good heart, and a searching one. It has been bruised and battered by his mother's untimely passing. Don't let up praying for him, though! I told him that I believe God is going to do something good in his life, soon. I didn't just say that; I was praying silently as we talked, and I felt it strongly in my heart.
Will pray for him. You wrote that he said he felt he lost his faith because the priests couldn’t comfort him. That right there sounds like a misplaced faith, priests can only do so much. If he has a searching heart, he will see.
Yes, but sometimes, clergy are not there during these bad times and one can feel abandoned. I remember when my mother died and I called the church about it. I got no response, no message of concern or prayer. I later learned that the pastor was going through a serious health crisis, but it still had a negative effect on me.
I had a similar experience when my mother died when I was nine. She had been one of those busy women described as a "pillar of her church" but almost none of those people visited while she was failing and not a one of them came to the funeral visitation (to be fair, this was done forty miles away, in her home town-- though a couple of neighbors did make the drive down there, and one of Mom's best friends flew all the way to Michigan from Seattle). I very much appreciate the Orthodox customs surrounding a death with our memorial services.
Merry Christ-coming, Rod and all readers! May you have the joy of remembering the Son of God, the Saviour of the world, made human flesh for you and me.
Merry Christmas Rod and all! May God continue to bless you.
Amen! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Rod! May the peace of Christ continue to grow in you and light your way. Thank you for the faithfulness in which and from which your work is shared, and may you be blessed in the coming year.
Rod, wesołych świąt! - a very merry Christmas to you and yours. And the same to all the thoughtful souls who comment here.
This is a wonderful and blessed thing you have written today, Rod.
As I read this post I could not help but hear this new song which is a current favorite Christmas song for this protestant. Come all you unfaithful.
Verse 1
O come, all you unfaithful
Come, weak and unstable
Come, know you are not alone
Verse 2
O come, barren and waiting ones
Weary of praying, come
See what your God has done
Christ is born, Christ is born
Christ is born for you
Verse 3
O come, bitter and broken
Come with fears unspoken
Come, taste of His perfect love
Verse 4
O come, guilty and hiding ones
There is no need to run
See what your God has done
He’s the Lamb who was given
Slain for our pardon
His promise is peace
For those who believe
Verse 5
So come, though you have nothing
Come, He is the offering
Come, see what your God has done
This Catholic loves that song and many other Protestant carols and hymns. Merry Christmas!
Needed that.
It occurred to me a few days ago that neighborhood caroling was an avenue of re-enchantment for both singers and hearers. The gospel message is sung. The incarnation is proclaimed. It touches memories that have been lost.
Merry Christmas!
"Yes, we are divided, sadly, in this world, but I rejoice that we share faith in Our Lord, and I greet you as brothers and sisters." Merry Christmas to all. Hallelujah! A King is born!
Thank you for embedding a link to the video of the grotto! Merry Christmas!
I just spent an hour on the phone with my friend. I believe he's going to be okay. He has a good heart, and a searching one. It has been bruised and battered by his mother's untimely passing. Don't let up praying for him, though! I told him that I believe God is going to do something good in his life, soon. I didn't just say that; I was praying silently as we talked, and I felt it strongly in my heart.
Will pray for him. You wrote that he said he felt he lost his faith because the priests couldn’t comfort him. That right there sounds like a misplaced faith, priests can only do so much. If he has a searching heart, he will see.
I know. He's only 24, same age as my son. He's a good young man. He texted me later and said he went to the church to pray tonight.
Yes, but sometimes, clergy are not there during these bad times and one can feel abandoned. I remember when my mother died and I called the church about it. I got no response, no message of concern or prayer. I later learned that the pastor was going through a serious health crisis, but it still had a negative effect on me.
I had a similar experience when my mother died when I was nine. She had been one of those busy women described as a "pillar of her church" but almost none of those people visited while she was failing and not a one of them came to the funeral visitation (to be fair, this was done forty miles away, in her home town-- though a couple of neighbors did make the drive down there, and one of Mom's best friends flew all the way to Michigan from Seattle). I very much appreciate the Orthodox customs surrounding a death with our memorial services.
I think the fact that he's reaching out shows he really wants God's comfort. The first year after loss is usually hardest
What shall we call you, Mary our lady full of grace?
More honored than the angels, while God is in your embrace.
Sing praises, sing praises! O let our voices ring!
Sing praises, sing praises, to Christ our new born king!
...Give God the highest glory! Let’scsing for all we’re worth!
With peace good will among us, in praise of Jesus’ birth!
Sing praises, sing praises! O let our voices ring!
Sing praises, sing praises to Christ our new born king!
Orthodox hymn. Merry Christmas!
What a year it's been! And through it all, God is with us! ( )
A joyous feast to all here!
And - O Holy Night, performed by the Barra MacNeils (
Merry Christ-coming, Rod and all readers! May you have the joy of remembering the Son of God, the Saviour of the world, made human flesh for you and me.
Merry Christmas to all!
Thank you, Rod, and Merry Christmas.
We went to our local Anglican Cathedral last night for carols and nine lessons. It was packed.
Christianity is not dead yet. Even in England.
Oh I am so glad to hear this, Mrs. S.! May God bless all you English Christians, who have given so much to the Church.