This is yet another unforced error on Trump's part. He didn't have to say a damned thing, but since he cannot resist whoring himself out for votes, changing one set of principles for another if the winds shift, and selling out groups who supported him once they're no longer convenient, of course he chose to blurt this out, stab pro-lifer…
This is yet another unforced error on Trump's part. He didn't have to say a damned thing, but since he cannot resist whoring himself out for votes, changing one set of principles for another if the winds shift, and selling out groups who supported him once they're no longer convenient, of course he chose to blurt this out, stab pro-lifers in the back, and ineptly pander to pro-choicers as he moves to the left. So much winning...
Yes. The whole thing could have been elided. He doesn't have the skills for that. He's going to say what he's going to say in the way he's going to say it. Get used to, at least until Nov. 5, pray beyond that.
This is yet another unforced error on Trump's part. He didn't have to say a damned thing, but since he cannot resist whoring himself out for votes, changing one set of principles for another if the winds shift, and selling out groups who supported him once they're no longer convenient, of course he chose to blurt this out, stab pro-lifers in the back, and ineptly pander to pro-choicers as he moves to the left. So much winning...
Yes. The whole thing could have been elided. He doesn't have the skills for that. He's going to say what he's going to say in the way he's going to say it. Get used to, at least until Nov. 5, pray beyond that.
I'm not hoping for beyond 11/5. I'm not voting for him.
Then you're voting for Harris directly or indirectly. What a choice.
Either way we’ll have Gay Pride Month at the White House.
Oh, you'll have more than that with Harris.
I wish Vance had learned how to "elide" on one particular matter.
Whoever wins, there will be much to pray about after Nov 5. It won't be pretty.