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I know people who have prayed outside abortion clinics, and they tell me that women being literally dragged in by their men is not uncommon. Pro-choice indeed, but for whom?

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The impregnators are often the biggest supporters of abortion. They want to get out of child support payments.

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I also saw girls being dragged by their mothers.

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I am not at all surprised, but could you elaborate, if it's not too much to ask. (It's okay if it is)

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Well, I volunteered in a pro-life clinic that did counseling and pregnancy testing. It was next door to the abortion clinic in our city. A woman came in with her 15-year-old pregnant daughter. When she realized where she was, she literally snarled, "I'm not taking care of this kid," and dragged the daughter out almost by the hair. I have never forgotten the woman's evil expression, or her daughter, who seemed completely cowed. As the mother continued down the street with the poor girl, the director of the pro-life group gathered us together to pray. She closed her eyes and began praying that Satan would strike the mother dead before she could have her grandchild aborted. I became alarmed as the prayer continued. The woman, her eyes still closed, said, "I sense a spirit of dissension in the room." I raised my hand and said, "That would be me." I told her I didn't feel comfortable praying, essentially, to Satan to kill somebody. I was asked to leave the pro-life ministry after this incident. I was one of only two Catholics in the ministry. I think they were conservative Presbyterians.

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Wow, I don't think I have ever heard such a warped prayer, especially by someone calling themselves a Christian. Multiple tragedies played out that day.

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Indeed. I sometimes wonder about that poor girl and her mother. It was 35 years ago. However, I walked out of the clinic that day holding a little plastic human fetus that we had tried to give them. My 6-year-old son loved it after I told him that was what he looked like in my tummy and he carried it around and played with it, then dropped it under the china cabinet in the kitchen. It was lying there when my 17-year-old daughter told me a few months later that she was pregnant. She and my mother were both weeping and looking at me for an answer. I was looking at that little plastic fetus when I asked her, "Do you want to keep this baby?" And all the crying stopped. I had started volunteering for Catholic Charities at that time and they let me go when they found out my daughter was pregnant and she was keeping the baby. I never worked in pro-life again but I think I've walked the walk. My grandson is a teacher now and has two full siblings. His parents married when he was a toddler and are still married. My daughter never missed a day of college.

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God bless you, Margotte!

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Thank you, Rod. That is one thing in my life I will always be glad we did the way we did.

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I've been told that as well. One protestor told me he saw a fellow parishioner doing that to her daughter. A good man, he would not say who it was.

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Young men favor abortion in large numbers

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Sexual intercourse is the fun part. Raising a child is not so fun.

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