I'm Protestant. My denomination has the sign of peace, as well, and I've never liked it. Communion is about Jesus Christ, and yes, I understand that The Body of Christ which is the Church is inseparable from The Body of Christ which we are about to eat, still, I wish we would cease to do it.
I'm Protestant. My denomination has the sign of peace, as well, and I've never liked it. Communion is about Jesus Christ, and yes, I understand that The Body of Christ which is the Church is inseparable from The Body of Christ which we are about to eat, still, I wish we would cease to do it.
I sit next to the same couple every Sunday. The husband is an Elder, so as the communion part of the service begins, he will have gone forward to assist. While shaking his wife's hand I've said, "Peace to you, Sally, though I had nothing against you anyway."
My wife and I got to know Anne Mansfield (Sen. Mansfield's daughter) in London years ago. Used to meet after Mass at the Oratory to go to lunch. One Sunday, Anne was a bit late, and apologized, saying that she had been next to an American woman who asked what happened to the kiss of peace. "We don't do the kiss of peace at the Oratory." "Well! Jesus would have done the kiss of peace!" "I could have wrung her neck," said Anne.
I'm Protestant. My denomination has the sign of peace, as well, and I've never liked it. Communion is about Jesus Christ, and yes, I understand that The Body of Christ which is the Church is inseparable from The Body of Christ which we are about to eat, still, I wish we would cease to do it.
I sit next to the same couple every Sunday. The husband is an Elder, so as the communion part of the service begins, he will have gone forward to assist. While shaking his wife's hand I've said, "Peace to you, Sally, though I had nothing against you anyway."
My wife and I got to know Anne Mansfield (Sen. Mansfield's daughter) in London years ago. Used to meet after Mass at the Oratory to go to lunch. One Sunday, Anne was a bit late, and apologized, saying that she had been next to an American woman who asked what happened to the kiss of peace. "We don't do the kiss of peace at the Oratory." "Well! Jesus would have done the kiss of peace!" "I could have wrung her neck," said Anne.