And yet these are often the same people who moan about the staleness of American parish life! One friend claimed that Leah was simply taking normal things that parishes should be doing anyways and dubbing them "the Benedict Option." I told him that was correct in a certain sense, but the reason was that many parishes had ceased doing the…
And yet these are often the same people who moan about the staleness of American parish life! One friend claimed that Leah was simply taking normal things that parishes should be doing anyways and dubbing them "the Benedict Option." I told him that was correct in a certain sense, but the reason was that many parishes had ceased doing them. What was once common and natural now needed doing with a stronger intention, which if the BenOp could help provide it, why complain?
And yet these are often the same people who moan about the staleness of American parish life! One friend claimed that Leah was simply taking normal things that parishes should be doing anyways and dubbing them "the Benedict Option." I told him that was correct in a certain sense, but the reason was that many parishes had ceased doing them. What was once common and natural now needed doing with a stronger intention, which if the BenOp could help provide it, why complain?