True. And that stance, from what I understand, developed as basically a move by the Masoretes away from what was going on in Jesus' day. Where the Jews are now also has a history.
True. And that stance, from what I understand, developed as basically a move by the Masoretes away from what was going on in Jesus' day. Where the Jews are now also has a history.
Rodney Stark advanced a hypothesis that a large number of Diasporan Jews converted to Christianity, leaving behind the stricter, more pharisaical Judean Jews.
True. And that stance, from what I understand, developed as basically a move by the Masoretes away from what was going on in Jesus' day. Where the Jews are now also has a history.
Rodney Stark advanced a hypothesis that a large number of Diasporan Jews converted to Christianity, leaving behind the stricter, more pharisaical Judean Jews.