"Is contemporary culture unbalanced? Maybe that's the cause of people falling into extremes."
The extreme right exists as a reaction to the extreme left. If we didn't have an extreme left - if ideologues weren't insisting that 8-year-old can choose their gender, that any limitations on immigrations are necessarily racist, that the George …
"Is contemporary culture unbalanced? Maybe that's the cause of people falling into extremes."
The extreme right exists as a reaction to the extreme left. If we didn't have an extreme left - if ideologues weren't insisting that 8-year-old can choose their gender, that any limitations on immigrations are necessarily racist, that the George Floyds of the world excuse the flash mobs in Philly the past two nights - there would be no corresponding lunacy on the right, as there would be no "need" for it.
Action, reaction. Each extreme eggs the other on. And the danger, of course, is that the "other side" won't be so nuanced and. understanding as we try to be, and that the general public just doesn't care. I mean, we're not at this stage yet obviously, but when it's kill or be killed and you declare "I won't kill" - well, there's only one outcome then.
Too true. The danger is that you end up in an ideological struggle with no winners. The extreme case of this is the one between the Nazis and Soviets. The body count from that one was pretty high.
That and the clashes on German streets before the Nazis took power. There were running battles between the communists and Nazis and I sometimes think we're not too far from that.
"Is contemporary culture unbalanced? Maybe that's the cause of people falling into extremes."
The extreme right exists as a reaction to the extreme left. If we didn't have an extreme left - if ideologues weren't insisting that 8-year-old can choose their gender, that any limitations on immigrations are necessarily racist, that the George Floyds of the world excuse the flash mobs in Philly the past two nights - there would be no corresponding lunacy on the right, as there would be no "need" for it.
Action, reaction. Each extreme eggs the other on. And the danger, of course, is that the "other side" won't be so nuanced and. understanding as we try to be, and that the general public just doesn't care. I mean, we're not at this stage yet obviously, but when it's kill or be killed and you declare "I won't kill" - well, there's only one outcome then.
Too true. The danger is that you end up in an ideological struggle with no winners. The extreme case of this is the one between the Nazis and Soviets. The body count from that one was pretty high.
That and the clashes on German streets before the Nazis took power. There were running battles between the communists and Nazis and I sometimes think we're not too far from that.
Back in the 2020 rioting it looked like the rightwing provocateurs and the leftwing provocateurs were cooperating to sow chaos.