I don't really know how demons work and I hope I never find out. It doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility that AI could serve the devil, however. I played with Ouija boards as a child and know what you mean by the way the planchette can move on its own. Super weird and I won't have one in the house. Even as an atheist raising my …
I don't really know how demons work and I hope I never find out. It doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility that AI could serve the devil, however. I played with Ouija boards as a child and know what you mean by the way the planchette can move on its own. Super weird and I won't have one in the house. Even as an atheist raising my kids I strongly discouraged them. It's just really dangerous to mess with powers you can't understand.
Along with AI, there is a huge interest in the 'dark arts' where I live near Seattle. There has been a witches fair held in a nearby park several times recently. It's just sad to see many families with kids there. Of course it's always held on a Sunday.
I think there are many forces we can feel but can't quantify. I have had many experiences with such forces in my life; some frightening and some immensely comforting and wonderful. In retrospect, as a Christian, I see the Holy Spirit has been active in my life in the past when I didn't even recognize it as such. Such encounters have always been unsought and out of the blue, as it were.
One experience I have had that I can't really explain one way or another is that of divining. When I was a child I was out walking with my parents and my mom mentioned that my dad had a gift for divining. Of course I was intensely curious and asked him to show me and he did. He grabbed a forked stick and sure enough it would quiver and strain toward the ground when he walked over a certain spot. I asked to try and it worked when I did it too. I could feel the stick straining toward the ground. Knowing what I know now I probably wouldn't do anything like that again.
I don't really know how demons work and I hope I never find out. It doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility that AI could serve the devil, however. I played with Ouija boards as a child and know what you mean by the way the planchette can move on its own. Super weird and I won't have one in the house. Even as an atheist raising my kids I strongly discouraged them. It's just really dangerous to mess with powers you can't understand.
Along with AI, there is a huge interest in the 'dark arts' where I live near Seattle. There has been a witches fair held in a nearby park several times recently. It's just sad to see many families with kids there. Of course it's always held on a Sunday.
I think there are many forces we can feel but can't quantify. I have had many experiences with such forces in my life; some frightening and some immensely comforting and wonderful. In retrospect, as a Christian, I see the Holy Spirit has been active in my life in the past when I didn't even recognize it as such. Such encounters have always been unsought and out of the blue, as it were.
One experience I have had that I can't really explain one way or another is that of divining. When I was a child I was out walking with my parents and my mom mentioned that my dad had a gift for divining. Of course I was intensely curious and asked him to show me and he did. He grabbed a forked stick and sure enough it would quiver and strain toward the ground when he walked over a certain spot. I asked to try and it worked when I did it too. I could feel the stick straining toward the ground. Knowing what I know now I probably wouldn't do anything like that again.