It's not just that you have one person inviting the spirits to come, you have multiple people, in essence, praying for them. "Wherever two or three are gathered..." is very powerful indeed, not just in communing with God, but in calling spirits of any sort.
It's not just that you have one person inviting the spirits to come, you have multiple people, in essence, praying for them. "Wherever two or three are gathered..." is very powerful indeed, not just in communing with God, but in calling spirits of any sort.
"Wherever two or three are gathered..." is very powerful indeed,"
Thank you Katja, I don't think I've ever quite thought of the spiritual implications of the imputation to the power of corporate worship in quite this way, but it makes perfect sense.
It's not just that you have one person inviting the spirits to come, you have multiple people, in essence, praying for them. "Wherever two or three are gathered..." is very powerful indeed, not just in communing with God, but in calling spirits of any sort.
"Wherever two or three are gathered..." is very powerful indeed,"
Thank you Katja, I don't think I've ever quite thought of the spiritual implications of the imputation to the power of corporate worship in quite this way, but it makes perfect sense.
That's a great way to think about it.