I encourage you to push forward with your struggle in seeking God. It appears you are open to believing in God but perhaps are looking for more than just "faith" that God is real. Faith is important. Yet, I can understand why someone in your situation wants something more concrete before they can develop that faith.
I encourage you to push forward with your struggle in seeking God. It appears you are open to believing in God but perhaps are looking for more than just "faith" that God is real. Faith is important. Yet, I can understand why someone in your situation wants something more concrete before they can develop that faith.
Everyone will have their own path for developing that faith. For me, reading the Bible and taking a cover-to-cover Bible study class (with a competent and interesting instructor) was beneficial. I've also read many books on the subject.
Here are a couple books that were helpful for me when I was early in my faith journey.
I encourage you to push forward with your struggle in seeking God. It appears you are open to believing in God but perhaps are looking for more than just "faith" that God is real. Faith is important. Yet, I can understand why someone in your situation wants something more concrete before they can develop that faith.
Everyone will have their own path for developing that faith. For me, reading the Bible and taking a cover-to-cover Bible study class (with a competent and interesting instructor) was beneficial. I've also read many books on the subject.
Here are a couple books that were helpful for me when I was early in my faith journey.
1) Coming to Jesus (It's free on Kindle, only risk is your time reading it!) www.amazon.com/Coming-Jesus-Search-Truth-Purpose-ebook/dp/B00JRNPGSM/ref=sr_1_1
2) The Case for Christ (well known book on the topic) www.amazon.com/Case-Christ-Journalists-Personal-Investigation-ebook/dp/B01863JLK2/ref=sr_1_1
PLEASE continue your efforts to seek God. It has eternal consequences.