1. Spiritual entities are natural...again, says who? That's not how the Bible defines it, nor the people who wrote it. Need more of an authority than what Jon says.
2. Who promoted them to godhood? You keep bringing that up but the only one who foists that idea is you. No one else here or anywhere else. No one.
1. Spiritual entities are natural...again, says who? That's not how the Bible defines it, nor the people who wrote it. Need more of an authority than what Jon says.
2. Who promoted them to godhood? You keep bringing that up but the only one who foists that idea is you. No one else here or anywhere else. No one.
"IF x is created, x is natural." Ok, point me to the Bible verses that back it up. Sigh indeed. AGain, not your sayso. Actual scripture. So far, you've given me no Bible at all.
1. Spiritual entities are natural...again, says who? That's not how the Bible defines it, nor the people who wrote it. Need more of an authority than what Jon says.
2. Who promoted them to godhood? You keep bringing that up but the only one who foists that idea is you. No one else here or anywhere else. No one.
Sigh. Are angels etc. created beings? If so they are natural. You no more need the Bible for that than you need it for a geometric proof.
"IF x is created, x is natural." Ok, point me to the Bible verses that back it up. Sigh indeed. AGain, not your sayso. Actual scripture. So far, you've given me no Bible at all.
This is no more something you will source in the Bible than the Pythagorean theorem is.
WE are not debating the Pythagorean theorum.
You keep "insisting" on something that you have no proof for, no theorum, no verse, no nothing.