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It is hippie nonsense, Linda. And I refuse to squint and do the hokie pokie to try to see it any other way. He live a life of wealth, privilege and safety and has taken on the views of someone decadent and sheltered, like many in his strata. No more complicated or nuanced than that.

I'm a GoT fan. I like his writing. I'm also a fan of other artists who suffer from the same malady, talented, but completely disconnected cretins. Just because you are a talented artist doesn't mean you have a damn thing to offer as far as real world insight goes.

To check it's value, you actually compare it to the real world.

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I do compare it to the real world. It works for me. People are like his characters. Some of the most real characters ever, both male and female. To my knowledge, he writes the best female characters of any writer. (The only exception being Orual in Lewis' "Till We Have Faces" - he and Martin are equal here as males writing female characters, imho.)

What views? I've only ever heard GRRM say things like favoring Obama. I don't think the Asimov quote says "no borders". I perceive him as an old hippie, but as I said, I'm not comfortable to say what I think his faults are since he is both someone I know and someone who is not here to defend himself.

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Yet, you leaped in here.

Plenty of quotes of his are available, espousing various woke talking points. Most notably his antics with the Hugos.

As I said, he is a good writer. That does not make anything he has to say about the real world worth a damn.

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We may be into a semantic thing with "woke" here.

OK, you have caught me out in that it has been a while since I've been an ardent GRRM fan, or active in that community. (The fan board long ago just became too full of leftist trolls.) But starting in 1997, and up to about 2014 or so....whew....

I don't know about his antics at the Hugo, but I googled it and got the opposite of woke, to wit: <<<"horrified by Martin’s hosting, in which he repeatedly mispronounced names, waxed rhapsodic about exalted figures from SFF past who are now rightfully called out for their racism and sexism, made “gender essentialist” jokes" >>>

(I think that was written by a woke person who thinks GRRM is not woke - evidence, perhaps, that GRRM is not "woker than woke")

Actually, you have to see the article - or as much as you can stand of it. GRRM sounds far from woke: (The French Revolution eats its own?)


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Yes, I read that article. IT came up first in the search engine, naturally, since the wokies are upset for him defending older writers who are now out of fashion for them.

Go deeper. Look for him espousing current day political views and excoriating writers identified as conservative being accepted for Hugo consideration.

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Erm..I don't recall such in many hours of hearing him talk, but I admitted its been a while since I heard him talk. Still, people don't change that much. Its quite the fashion to reject Orson Scott Card because hd is Mormon, though I never heard GRRM do so. What conservative does GRRM think is disqualified for a Hugo due to conservative views?

Whatever GRRM said it had to be mild as milk compared to that ASOIAF fan board. Years of bashing I took there, but my, in some ways it was a bit of fun for our little band of conservatives. (I didn't actually stop posting until they forbade talk about the US presidential election in 2012...I tapered off after that and it's probably been seven years since I said anything.)

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