True, but I have more than 30 more years of accrued social capital, none of her crippling student loan debt, a resume that lends me some credibility when I write to, say, a college alumni office, and a better understanding of how our social and political systems actually work. Voting isn't the only way to get things done.
In a perfect world, you would have the right to vote but the young woman wouldn't. However, the world is far from perfect and absolute nitwits are allowed to vote.
Sad to say, her vote counts as much as yours.
True, but I have more than 30 more years of accrued social capital, none of her crippling student loan debt, a resume that lends me some credibility when I write to, say, a college alumni office, and a better understanding of how our social and political systems actually work. Voting isn't the only way to get things done.
In a perfect world, you would have the right to vote but the young woman wouldn't. However, the world is far from perfect and absolute nitwits are allowed to vote.