That is very interesting. I know Lindsey Graham made some "way out" remark but I was not sure they were about boots on the ground. Could you say which elected leaders proposed American forces -boots on the ground - fighting in Ukraine? I'ver totally missed that, and I'd like to be better informed.. (sincere remark)
That is very interesting. I know Lindsey Graham made some "way out" remark but I was not sure they were about boots on the ground. Could you say which elected leaders proposed American forces -boots on the ground - fighting in Ukraine? I'ver totally missed that, and I'd like to be better informed.. (sincere remark)
No, I can't, and that was my point. My sarcasm got the better of me!
Rod and some others are convinced that any pushback against Russia will lead to Americans getting drafted to fight in Ukraine. They speak of it as though it is being proposed and that is just not true. Also, the idea that Ukraine is becoming some sort of woke nirvana is sometimes brought up. I'm not a fan of woke politics but this is just nonsense. Along with that is that 'The West' via the US government and the EU is going to turn Ukraine into the next San Francisco. I understand the concerns regarding our government's behavior and that of the EU as well. But, I think this view is more than a little over the top
Another thing is the constant predictions of almost certain nuclear war unless we force Ukraine to sue for peace and give up territory. Yes - there are concerns any time you are confronting a nuclear power. But, I was around in the '80s and this sounds like the people who were declaring President Reagan was going to start WW3 for challenging the USSR. It is very similar. And thank God Reagan had the courage to confront the obvious threat that was the USSR (Russia).
That is very interesting. I know Lindsey Graham made some "way out" remark but I was not sure they were about boots on the ground. Could you say which elected leaders proposed American forces -boots on the ground - fighting in Ukraine? I'ver totally missed that, and I'd like to be better informed.. (sincere remark)
No, I can't, and that was my point. My sarcasm got the better of me!
Rod and some others are convinced that any pushback against Russia will lead to Americans getting drafted to fight in Ukraine. They speak of it as though it is being proposed and that is just not true. Also, the idea that Ukraine is becoming some sort of woke nirvana is sometimes brought up. I'm not a fan of woke politics but this is just nonsense. Along with that is that 'The West' via the US government and the EU is going to turn Ukraine into the next San Francisco. I understand the concerns regarding our government's behavior and that of the EU as well. But, I think this view is more than a little over the top
Another thing is the constant predictions of almost certain nuclear war unless we force Ukraine to sue for peace and give up territory. Yes - there are concerns any time you are confronting a nuclear power. But, I was around in the '80s and this sounds like the people who were declaring President Reagan was going to start WW3 for challenging the USSR. It is very similar. And thank God Reagan had the courage to confront the obvious threat that was the USSR (Russia).