I have a 'Demon' question for you, Rod. I know you see possible links between some of the truly despicable people within the far left who are, as I see it, trying to prey on children and actual religious demons as Christians may define them. I don't believe in religious demons but I do believe there is real evil in the world.
I have a 'Demon' question for you, Rod. I know you see possible links between some of the truly despicable people within the far left who are, as I see it, trying to prey on children and actual religious demons as Christians may define them. I don't believe in religious demons but I do believe there is real evil in the world.
I kinda see Putin as a demon, or at least embodied evil. He has so much blood on his hands, not just in Ukraine but elsewhere. It's really something when you have a guy on your payroll called 'General Armageddon' (and he truly earned that title). His troops rape and torture people - that's not disputed. He has overseen the snatching away of Ukrainian children to Russia. And - here's the thing that sticks with me: He has co-opted the Russian Orthodox Church and claimed, via Kyril, that his actions are, effectively, approved by God. He's perverted the Church. He's perverted the idea of Christ, I think. That claim of religious righteousness is sickening. I'm OK with you likening some of the worst among us as perhaps being actual demons in this world. But, doesn't Putin deserve some consideration?
I have a 'Demon' question for you, Rod. I know you see possible links between some of the truly despicable people within the far left who are, as I see it, trying to prey on children and actual religious demons as Christians may define them. I don't believe in religious demons but I do believe there is real evil in the world.
I kinda see Putin as a demon, or at least embodied evil. He has so much blood on his hands, not just in Ukraine but elsewhere. It's really something when you have a guy on your payroll called 'General Armageddon' (and he truly earned that title). His troops rape and torture people - that's not disputed. He has overseen the snatching away of Ukrainian children to Russia. And - here's the thing that sticks with me: He has co-opted the Russian Orthodox Church and claimed, via Kyril, that his actions are, effectively, approved by God. He's perverted the Church. He's perverted the idea of Christ, I think. That claim of religious righteousness is sickening. I'm OK with you likening some of the worst among us as perhaps being actual demons in this world. But, doesn't Putin deserve some consideration?