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"There are people who were more morally certain of denouncing people who went to the beach and to weddings and funerals in 2020 than are about the beheading of babies in 2023."

"Because people who believe that anything at all justifies these kinds of atrocities are people who can be convinced that it is good and necessary to do it to you, for the sake of a cause."

Could there have been some conditioning in the Covid panic to allow this latter response. People went to extremes to punish those who legitimately questioned mitigation efforts (and in large measure turned out to be right.). I even had doctors tell me that they would not treat anyone unvaccinated - something I have never seen even during the height of the AIDS epidemic. Non-personhood was accepted in the face of manufactured fear. It only takes one more step from there.

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Oct 24, 2023
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“The COVID response by big government was a psychological operation.”

This is unquestionably true. This book does an excellent job of laying out the case using official government documents:


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We were played big time during COVID. The first clue was "The Settled Science". Real science is never 'settled'. Newtonian physics was as settled as any field ever was until it wasn't.

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COVID was all about a consensus of scientists not scientific consensus. I mentioned that to a masking and mandate fanatic, and he become indignant.

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There is something to this.

Binary thinking has been promoted into every sphere of life. Every recent crisis has been reduced to 'good v evil' 'with us or against us'. No questioning is allowed, no nuance is allowed. We either go along with the accepted narrative or it means we're bad people.

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Very true, but I think Americans have been this way for a long time. As a child in Canada fifty years ago I remember my dad watching the news and mocking the "excited states of America." It seems that kind of binary thinking has spread worldwide along side American culture.

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I saw a joke somewhere to the effect that England is a relatively placid place because they sent their criminals to Australia and their zealots over here.

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England had and has ferocious means of oppression when needed. People were beaten into submission by Cromwell, the assassins of King Charles 1 and their modern descendants etc.......Just ask the Irish.

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Also makes me think of *V for Vendetta*.

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