There is no way to engage in war without killing. Are you arguing that only some people should engage in war, and the rest should submit? Should Israel just hand the loving and mostly peaceful Palestinians a state and then flee back into the diaspora (where the rest of the world is busy proving they won’t be safe there)?
There is no way to engage in war without killing. Are you arguing that only some people should engage in war, and the rest should submit? Should Israel just hand the loving and mostly peaceful Palestinians a state and then flee back into the diaspora (where the rest of the world is busy proving they won’t be safe there)?
Hamas has carefully positioned all their resources to maximize civilian deaths when Israel attacks. They want the deaths because they know they’re winning the information war, and their hope is to inspire enough outrage to start a full scale regional war, which they are hoping to finally win this time - Jews be gone, Palestine "free from the river to the sea" as they shout on college campuses and in European city centers.
There is no way to engage in war without killing. Are you arguing that only some people should engage in war, and the rest should submit? Should Israel just hand the loving and mostly peaceful Palestinians a state and then flee back into the diaspora (where the rest of the world is busy proving they won’t be safe there)?
Hamas has carefully positioned all their resources to maximize civilian deaths when Israel attacks. They want the deaths because they know they’re winning the information war, and their hope is to inspire enough outrage to start a full scale regional war, which they are hoping to finally win this time - Jews be gone, Palestine "free from the river to the sea" as they shout on college campuses and in European city centers.
What is it you think Israel should do exactly?