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Rare Earth is a username. Come on, tell us who you really are. We want to celebrate that someone who had comparable impact artistically is among us.

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OK so in your world, someone has to have had "comparable impact artistically..." in order to comment on Rod's Diary? I am laughing my ass off at you!

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No, I'm saying that you don't have a moral right to hold him in contempt unless you yourself are one of several people in the world: Stevie Wonder, Donald Fagen, Elvis Costello. After that, the bouillabaisse is more akin to consomme.

Your laughter wounds me terribly. I want you to know that I'm sobbing as I write this. Large tears with the consistency of glycerin shoot from my eyeballs like projectiles. Ropes of snot hang from my nostrils, my chest heaves in an agony of grief, I shall never be the same again.

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Could one not name literally fifty or a hundred superb performers from that era? What amazing music was produced then.

Now many people are creating great music as well, though not what shows up in popular culture.

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It was! If I had realized the vapid era I'd live into, I would have treasured those times much more than I did.

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It's really hard for me to judge whether this era is objectively better or worse than those times, I think the answer is "some of each".

Popular music now is mostly pretty crappy, but tons of really great music is being made in other genres (bluegrass, folk, classical) and one's streaming service delivers whatever one prefers. One of the greatest features of our present day is unlimited access to whatever music one prefers.

Sorry to be so late responding, I had to take a hiatus over the weekend. Too much politics reading (as I've been doing since the Trump shooting) leaves me feeling somewhat ill I think. You can't behold that toxic process too much and remain at peace.

This music thread has been an interesting divergence into one of my favorite topics.

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Amen, bro. And not just politics: if I spend some time in a Facebook group, especially one devoted to words and wordgaming ( not that I've been able to find much of the latter ), and I have a little streak and do well, I feel later as though I have been polluted and cannot look at even pleasant diversions on Facebook, such as cartoon or photo groups, for several days.

I think a wise, benevolent despot, with Knights of the Roundtable to assist, is the best form of government. People could get on with their lives. Alas, God does not anoint kings for the United States.

Speaking of music, I have recently discovered quite an interesting guy on YouTube, Andy Edwards. He relishes tilting at windmills.

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I take for granted that you know about the YouTube channels of Rick Beato and Adam Neely.

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Rick Beato yes. I love watching him review today's music. He is far more tolerant than I and tries to find something good in stuff he doesn't like that much. But his opinions match mine and no doubt yours. His interviews are good too.

And he obviously genuinely enjoys a good piece of music.

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Now that was funny!

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